Jeremy Fernando, essayiste of the contemporary, thinks and produces a theory which is, at the same time, an artistic practice. Theory is thus practice of art, in the sense that it practices art, it crosses art, it associates with art, it relaunches art into reality, and artistic practice, because it becomes itself, in the very moment in which it reflects, today, on its possibility — and the theme of the possible, the fundamental, is also recurrent in Fernando’s work — , a form of art.

~ Alessandro De Francesco


curated by Jeremy Fernando
Screened at Universidad del cine as part of the Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento
18 November 2022

Waiting for the Elevator  | Sarah Choo Jing
A Tree in Tanjung Malim | Tan Chui Mui
PORTRAIT | Kenny Png
A Man Trembles | Mark Chua & Lam Li Shuen
Women in Rage | Yanyun Chen & Sara Chong
Only nearer than half a world apart  | Sarah Choo Jing
The Cup | Mark Chua & Lam Li Shuen
Under our shadow | One White Raven, Brendon Fernandez, Jeremy Fernando


HANGAR — Centro de Investigação Artística, Lisbon, July 2023.


Jeremy Fernando, ‘reading | writing | beauty | friendship | touch’. Lisbon: HANGAR — Centro de Investigação Artística, Open Day, 27 July 2023.

---, ‘On friendship … risk, love, mourning’, simultaneously translated into the Spanish by Nicolás Grandi as ‘Sobre la amistad … el riesgo, el amor, el duelo’. Buenos Aires: Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento, 18 November, 2022.

---, ‘Walking with my friends …’, simultaneously translated into the Spanish by Nicolás Grandi as ‘Caminando con mis amigas …’. Buenos Aires: Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento, 14 November, 2022.

---, ‘I’m dead’. Performance. I can’t, I have to go to Mongolia by Michael Lee. Singapore: Comma Space, 13 February 2020.

---, ‘take a walk on the wild(e) side’, simultaneously translated into the Spanish by Alejo Magariños as ‘caminando por el lado salvaje’. Buenos Aires: Alianza Francesa de Buenos Aires, Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento, 3 & 4 November, 2018.

---, ‘resisting art’, simultaneously translated into the Spanish by Alejo Magariños as ‘resistiendo al arte’. Buenos Aires: Alianza Francesa de Buenos Aires, Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento, 2 November, 2018.

---, ‘The Plot Thickens: Writing Conservation’, in conversation with Lim Lee Ching, & Theophilus Kwek at Zarch Collective Spaces, Singapore, 9 June, 2018.

---, ‘a final, paradoxical wink …’. Paris: Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Baudrillard — Street One, 21 June, 2017.

---, ‘On interventions — or, space is only noise if you can see’. Singapore: NUS Museum, 22 March, 2017.

---, ‘Doing Lines — letters, marks, love …’, performed with the music of Nicolas Jaar. Singapore: Yale-NUS College, 27 October, 2016.

---, ‘je m’appelle Delilah’, performed with D Kat Griggs. Berlin: Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 11 September, 2016.


Jeremy Fernando, ‘On being an intruder’. Video performance, as part of On Seas, Parrots, and Intruders: a Global-South contribution to decolonialising the invasion-ecologies approach by Colectiva Ecoestéticas: Ana Laura Cantera, Gabriela Munguía, and Mariela Yeregui. Goethe-Institut & CDA Holon — Atlas of Mediterranean Liquidity, February 2023.

---, ‘on art’. Video performance, subtitled into the Korean by Park Sung Eun. KOTE — Fluxus Festival. Seoul, 8 April 2022.

---, ‘the curator’. Video performance, subtitled into the Korean by Park Sung Eun. KOTE — Fluxus Festival. Seoul, 8 April 2022.

---, ‘On living in the age of a pandemic’. Performance. Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento — mirarnos a los ojos (volver a). Buenos Aires, 22 – 31 October 2020.

--- & Kenny Png, 你看什麼 / Stare (co-written and co-directed). Film. Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento — mirarnos a los ojos (volver a). Buenos Aires, 22 – 31 October 2020

---, ‘Ode to nothing’. Text. Orders BLUB by Gaspar Acebo & Marcos Mangani. Berlin: Blub Neuköln & the Argentine Embassy in Berlin, 19-20 June 2019.

---, ‘The scars that write us’, part three of installation of keloid relief on steel plates and writings, in collaboration with Yanyun Chen. Text. The scars that write us by Yanyun Chen. Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 4 October 2018 – 27 January 2019. 

---, ‘dreams of hope’. Text. The Phygital World by ZXEROKOOL. Singapore: Chan Hampe Galleries, 27 November – 7 December, 2014.

---, ‘Singapore’. Text. The Ideological Guide to the Venice Biennale 2013 by Jonas Staal & Vincent van Gerven Oei. Venice: La Biennale di Venezia, 1 June – 24 November 2013.

--- & Lim Lee Ching, ‘Taiwan’ & ‘Tuvalu’. Text. The Ideological Guide to the Venice Biennale 2013 by Jonas Staal & Vincent van Gerven Oei. Venice: La Biennale di Venezia, 1 June – 24 November 2013.

---, ‘The last last word’. Text. Pennangalanamania! by Grieve Perspective. Singapore: Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, 15 – 28 August, 2013.

---, ‘A story of a man’. Text. The Obits by Grieve Perspective. Singapore: Chan Hampe Galleries, 23 August – 5 September, 2012.

---, ‘Let me dream up a title in the next five minutes’. Automating Painting, Acrylic. Operation Automaton by Jeremy Fernando & Kenny Png. Singapore: Night & Day Gallery: 19-21 March 2009.

Kenny Png, feat Jeremy Fernando, ‘396’. Mixed Media Photography. Hong Kong: Sexpressions — art for the marginalized sexual minorities, 11 December 2008.


Jeremy Fernando, ‘bring come here — for Allen Fernando’ in RIC Journal, December 2024.

---, ‘an excerpt from I wish we were lovers’ in RIC Journal, September 2024.

---, ‘Earth Song (for Marguerite Duras)’ in RIC Journal, August 2024.

---, ‘a triptych: chatter about handsome voices | ne coupez pas | untitled’ in Otherwise Engaged: A Literature and Arts Journal (vol 13), Summer 2024: 132-138.

---, ‘twenty twenty three’ in Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts & Communication, Vol. 21, 2024: 167.

---, ‘pining | apples’ in RIC Journal, February 2024.

---, ‘Under the Jaguar Sun’ in RIC Journal, December 2023.

---, ‘twenty twenty-three’ in positions, December 2023.

---, ‘墮落天使’ in RIC Journal — special issue: ‘In the Mood for Love’, October 2023.

---, ‘le chat | la langue’ in RIC Journal, August 2023.

---, ‘under our shadow’ in RIC Journal, July 2023.

---, ‘re: typo in the first line — for Jasmine Seah’ in RIC Journal, June 2023.

---, ‘walls | green | walls’ in RIC Journal, May 2023.

---, ‘quand un au revoir n'est pas un adieu : a song for 堅姨媽’in RIC Journal, March 2023.

---, ‘Cases’ in RIC Journal, January 2023.

---, ‘The Third Policeman’ in Berfrois: Tea, Literature, Letters, December 2022.

---, ‘una tierra de la baldío … vislumbres fragmentarios’ in Berfrois: Tea, Literature, Letters, December 2022.

---, ‘flower of the sea’ in Berfrois: Tea, Literature, Letters, November 2022.

---, ‘Clouds in bowls, singing’ in People Table Tales, July 2022.

---, ‘moderato cantabile’ in Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts & Communication, Vol. 19 — Encountering the Other, 2022: 258-264.

---, ‘not a poem’ in Berfrois: Tea, Literature, Letters, April 2022.

---, ‘Mandalay by R.K.’ in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, March 2022.

---, ‘a thousand leaves’ in Curios — issue 6: taste, June 2020.

---, ‘les langues qui chuchoten dans mon oreille’ in Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, July 2018.

---, ‘the languages which whisper in my ear’, translated by Céline Coderey in Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, July 2018.

---, ‘who — you’ in Curios — issue 4: Romancing Reality. (April 2018).

---, ‘sans la vue, tu vois’, traduit par Céline Coderey in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, June 2017.

---, ‘sightless, you see’ in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, May 2017.

---, ‘mille-feuille’, with photography by Alice Renez Tay in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, October 2016.

---, ‘Chanson de la mer’ in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, September 2016.

---, ‘[;]’ in Curios — issue 2: in-betweens, May 2016.

---, ‘to my little friend …’ in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, August 2015.

---, ‘Of twos — or one(s) too’ in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, June 2015.

---, ‘A requiem — in three …’, with photography by Tan Jingliang in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, March 2015.

---, ‘Blue Skies from Pain(t)’, with illustrations by Sara Chong in Afterglobe Magazine, March 2015.

---, ‘Le félin de la mer’, ‘Burning bright’, & ‘Of spirit; or, on ports and coming home’ in Geraldine Song, Semoga Bahagia. Cherrybrook: Horizon Publishing Group, 2014.

---, ‘Dream Sleep’, with photography by Alice Renez Tay in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, October 2014. [translated as ‘Sueña Dormir’ by Manuel Vargas in Orange Utan Lab, 2014].

---, ‘when television watched him cry’ in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, August 2014.

---, ‘Dwelt a miner, forty nine …’, with illustrations by Yanyun Chen in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, February 2014.

---, ‘The Senses of an Empire’, with illustrations by Yanyun Chen in XiN Magazine, November 2013.

---, ‘Sancho Panza goes to the polls’, with illustrations by Yanyun Chen in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, November 2012.

---, 'On Wardrobes; or, lions in the veld ...', with illustrations Yanyun Chen in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, March 2012.


Anne Dufourmantelle, ‘At the risk of the unknown’, translated from the French by Jeremy Fernando, with charcoal drawings by Yanyun Chen in Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine (Issues 54-55), July-October 2020: 79-81.

Anne Dufourmantelle, ‘The risk of believing’, translated from the French by Jeremy Fernando in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, 2 April, 2020.

Céline Coderey, ‘Pour Casey, et la monde que tu représentes’, translated from the English by Jeremy Fernando in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, 30 November, 2019.

Anne Dufourmantelle, ‘At the risk of bedazzlement’, translated from the French by Jeremy Fernando in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, 13 November, 2019.

Anne Dufourmantelle, ‘At the risk of the unknown’, translated from the French by Jeremy Fernando in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, 25 March, 2019.

Céline Coderey, ‘Light of you’, translated from the French by Jeremy Fernando in Berfrois: Literature, Ideas, Tea, 23 October, 2017.


Esther Tan & Jeremy Fernando, Pure Sugar. Performed at The Arts House as part of Short and Sweet Singapore 2007, Wildcards: 22 April, 2007.


Jeremy Fernando & Kenny Png, Ne Kan She Ma / Stare. (Special Jury Mention), Wien: Sidewalk Cinema Film Festival, 1-9 September, 2006.


Rui Ang, Jeremy Fernando & Kenny Png, Take My Train but Leave Me Alone. Seoul: SFX Seoul Radio 2008 – The Ubiquitous Aural Festival of Broadcast Radio, Radio Art and Seminar, 5-23 August 2008.


Jeremy Fernando & Kenny Png, ‘Under Our Shadow’. Singapore, 2020; also featured in Queen Mob’s Teahouse, 2022.

Jeremy Fernando, Michael Kearney, & Durnin Martin, ‘Dwelt A Miner, Forty-nine’ in Haze. New York & Tokyo: The Symbolic Order, 2019.

Jeremy Fernando & Clement Yang Xi, ‘Love Song for a Seraph’ in One Imperative — Issue 13, Singapore, 2014.

Kenny Png & Jeremy Fernando, ‘New Year’s Day’ in One Imperative — Issue 13, Singapore. 2014.

Rui Ang, Jeremy Fernando & Kenny Png, ‘Take my Train but Leave Me Alone’ in PLAYspeak, Compilation CD. Singapore: The Enigmatic Army, 2008.